Tuesday, December 16, 2008

First OB Visit

It occurs to me that I haven't written about my first appointment last week, so that's where I'm going to start. I went in, husband in tow, and we filled out the requisite ream of paperwork and waited to be called in. Thankfully, I didn't have to wait long, I was actually not even done with the last questionnaire when they called us back. The first thing they wanted was a urine sample, to which I thought 'no problem' because I've been peeing approximately every five minutes for the last month. Apparently my bladder had other ideas. I tried to pee, I really did, but I just couldn't do it. After ten minutes (yes ten) of struggling to squeeze a few drops out, I gave up. I drank some water before I vacated the facilities, in hopes that I'd be able to pee after while.

We went to the scale (!) and I got weighed, which is never much fun, but even less so when the office is being remodeled and the scale is in the same place as the check-out line. The nurse took us back to our room, and we answered eight hundred other questions. She was engaging and charming, so I didn't mind talking to her, even though every question she asked was already answered on one of the forms she had in her hand. On her way out, she reached under the table into a magic cabinet and pulled out a hospital gown and a sheet. 'Here, you need to put these on, hon. Disrobe completely and park it on the table, mmkay?' Greeeaaat. The part I was looking forward to the most. /sarcasm

After a short wait, the doctor came in. I *heart* her. She's young, funny and made me and my husband feel very comfortable. I made my hubby move once she brought out the stirrups, because the guest chair gave an awesome view right under my sheet. He was standing to the right of me during the breast exam, arms crossed, looking out the window. I said 'Honey, you can watch this part, it's okay.' Dr. W said 'Watch? Heck, I was going to let him do the other side!' She then proceeded to give him tips on how to do and effective breast exam.

Next came the really fun part. Scooch forward, feet in the stirrups, flop the knees open and relax. Yeah, easy for you to say. I was busy chatting with the doctor about various things while she had her hand in my vagina (which is actually kind of hard to do, small talk while getting probed) and tried to relax. She then started pressing around on my lower abdomen and I instantly regretted not trying a little harder to pee earlier. After the exams, we talked a bit about any questions I had, or any questions that Tony had, and she sent us on our way to go have the blood draws done. Downstairs in the lab, they took 7 vials of blood and my urine sample (yay! I peed!) and sent me packing. I've got my next appointment on 1/12 and I have my first ultrasound on 1/7. I'm pretty excited about that part. I'll get to see the little bean, and hopefully put to bed the notion that I'm having twins. At least, it better.

1 comment:

The Three Little Bears said...

That's awesome! We have an ultrasound on the 22nd of this month. We can't wait. :)