Friday, December 5, 2008

It's official!

I found out two weeks ago that I'm pregnant. I stopped at Walgreen's on my way home to buy a pregnancy test. It was really just on a hunch, since my period wasn't late yet. I just didn't feel quite right, so I thought I might be expecting. I peed on the little stick as soon as I got home, and as soon as the pee went across that little lines, they turned pink. Two pink lines. Oh shit. Two lines. Thank god that someone thought to put the legend right on the pee stick, cause I lost the directions in the three minutes it took me to pee on the stick and wait for the results.

I called my husband to see how long it would be until he got home, and I just couldn't wait. I told him on the phone. Yes, I wish I would've waited until I could see the whites of his eyes to gauge his reaction, but I just couldn't do it. We hadn't been actively trying to get pregnant, we just simply decided that we'd quit preventing it. Last month. That didn't take nearly long enough. I figured we'd have a few months of good old-fashioned unprotected sex before I actually got pregnant, maybe a few scares before the real deal, but I guess fate had other plans.

The following Monday, I went to my neighborhood walk-in clinic to have a blood test. They wanted to give me another urine test. I had a hard time convincing them that I'd done all the peeing I intended to do and I just wanted the damned blood test to confirm my pregnancy. (There's a reason for that, which I'm getting to.) I get poked and prodded, they steal enough blood to feed a vampire, I pay the outrageous office visit fee and I go to work. They called me that afternoon with the results and said, 'Yeah, you're pregnant all right.' No shit. Four EPTs don't lie.

We're excited about being pregnant and all, but I don't know how the hell we're going to pay for it. I'm uninsured, my husband's insurance is crap (and way expensive to add me to) and we're not exactly made of money. I applied for state aid (hence the blood test to confirm the pregnancy) but unfortunately, according to the state, we are made of money. It was suggested that I quit my job to get aid, cause not only then would I get medicaid, I'd be able to get food stamps too. Quit my job to get on welfare on purpose? What kind of dumbass idea is that?

I've got my first OB appointment next week, and I'm excited to see that everything is going okay with the pregnancy, but I don't want to pay for it. Is there an
equivalent to dine-n-dash when it comes to doctor's bills?

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