Thursday, May 13, 2010

Eleanor's Birth Story

So, the baby is here, she's healthy and wonderful and growing like a little weed and everything is where it's supposed to be. Here is her birth story, in two parts. It's lengthy, due to backstory. It's not gruesome or graphic, but viewer discretion is advised!

Around week 27ish of my pregnancy, my blood pressure started creeping up. The doctor was just monitoring me, making sure that it didn't go to high, and switched me to weekly appointments (which was way earlier than expected.) At my next appointment, my BP was through the roof, so I had to go to the lab and do this lovely test where you collect your pee for 24 hours to check for elevated protein levels. Let me tell you, if you've never peed in a jug for a day, you really should try it.

Results came back. Not good news. I was spilling protein, but just a little, so I was going to be monitored super close and do frequent pee buckets. On January 8, I turned in my pee jug and did my blood test. Monday, the 11th, the office called me at work and ordered me home to start strict bedrest until the end of my pregnancy. I was showing signs of preeclampsia, and delivery is the only cure. I was only 32 weeks, so that wasn't really an option at that time. I got 2 steroid shots for the baby's lungs.

Fast forward to February 8 (a whole BORING month of bedrest, twice weekly doc visits & non-stress tests and weekly pee buckets with continually worsening results.)

I went in for my Monday morning NST and ultrasound. The baby hadn't really grown much over the previous three weeks. Worrisome. I went across the way for my NST, and they were awaiting my protein results. Imminent delivery is at a level of 5,000. They told me if I got that high, they were getting that baby out! I was waiting around with Tony for the results, and st 9:45 several people burst into the room, telling me to get across the hall to L&D room 3 NOW. My protein level was 7,500 and my BP was 160something/130something. Stroke territory.

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