Thursday, May 13, 2010

Birth Story Part 2

Tony was busy calling everyone letting them know that we were having a baby today! The doctor came in and we talked about induction. I wasn't dialated or anything, so I would have to be medicated to start labor. There were concerns that due to the baby's size and my BP, we would not tolerate labor well. I opted for a c-section.

That was a really hard decision for me, because I did not want a c-section. I had been imagining my perfect birth, and surgery didn't fit in the picture anywhere. But I had worked so hard, waited so long and hoped and dreamed for this baby and I sure didn't want anything to happen to her. Since I opted for the c-section, the doctor said 'Let's do this!' and I was like 'Right now?!' Yep. Right now. I was admitted to the hospital at 9:46 am. I was prepped for surgery, Tony was brought back, I was cut open and manhandled and then I heard it! The loudest, most pissed of WTF cry I have ever heard. It was beautiful! I immediately started crying and telling Tony to look at her and make sure she was okay. (He was worried about looking over the curtain, he is not a good guts man.)

Eleanor Rose made her grand entrance at 10:26 am only 40 minutes after I was admitted. She weighed in at a whopping 5 pounds, 1 ounce and was 19.75 inches long. She was tiny, but she was healthy as could be! I got to see her briefly and kiss her forehead and say 'Hi baby!' before they took her away so I could be stitched up. Everyone got there just in time for them to wheel her into the nursery. They all missed the birth and my parents were pissed that they didn't get to see me before surgery! (My dad is a worrywart.) Everything went okay though, and it was odd listening the doctors joke about stitches while they were sewing me up.

The first 24 hours after birth are a blur. I was put on medication to keep me from stroking out or seizing and that didn't allow me to breastfeed for the first 36 hours. It had the added benefit of making me sick as a dog. Lovely. I do remember the nurses having to kick my visitors out (twice!) because my BP was too high. I did a lot of snuggling the baby and just staring at her, thinking 'Holy crap I'm this person's mother!'

I learned all the ins and outs of taking care of a newborn and I was waited on hand and foot. (That part was nice!) I had heard from some women that the first postpartum shower was awesome. I wasn't looking forward to it because I could barely walk to the bathroom I was hurting so badly. It was no lie the best shower I have ever taken. It was pure heaven. I even got to eat solid food for dinner that night! I was recovering very well from the surgery and Eleanor was not having any complications so after three days, we were allowed to take our baby home, which is a whole nother terrifying experience.

All in all, my birth experience was the exact and total opposite of the one that I wanted, but all things considered I wouldn't change a thing. We finally got our baby!

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